Level 56
- Fly to Auberdine and then to Astranaar. Ride to Felwood.
Start of XP Circuit Felwood --> Everlook #2
Inside Felwood just on the right side of the road you'll find Arathandris Silversky (54,86). Turn in the Salve quests you completed there (if you don't have any gathering skill, you will only have Salve via Hunting completed). These quests are repeatable but only the first turn ins give XP. On the other hand you get Cenarion Plant Salves which you can use to cleanse corrupted plants in Felwood and get buffs or consumables from them. Check this guide for more details.
- Ride further north to Emerald Scantuary. Turn in the quests [55] Dousing the Flames of Protection and [55] Rescue From Jaedenar if you managed to finish that one.
Get the two follow ups:
[58] A Final Blow
[57] Retribution of the Light
Also turn in [54] Silver Heart and [54] Felbound Ancients at Eridan Bluewind.
Get the follow up [54] Aquementas. Also get the follow up [54] Purified!, turn it in, you'll get the "Flue of the Ancients" as reward. - Go back to Jaedenar into the Shadow Hold. Clear inside the hold further than when you doused the last 2 flames, past the red pool. Just a bit further down a slope you should find a room with an altar in it's middle, 4 warlocks/darkweavers arouned it, channeling a ritual, and Rakaiah infront.
You can pull Rakaiah solo, the 4 warlocks will be aggro on you but won't attack as long as you don't directly attack them. After you got rid of Rakaiah, you will still be locked in combat mode because of the 4 warlocks, to lose combat mode you just have to run back some distance away from them until they forget you. Basically they never attack you unless you directly attack them. However the warlock's imp pets will attack you and you should dispose of them.
- Kill the 2 other mobs on each side of the room and the one in the back, then you can kill each of the 4 warlocks one by one. When the room is clear, click on the Remains of Trey Lightforge on the altar, choose your reward and complete the quest [57] Retribution of the Light, get the follow up |57] The Remains of Trey Lightshadow.
- Go past the Altar Room and down a spiral, after a couple of pulls you'll be facing a small bridge going up straight ahead and a slope going down to your left.
Go left and keep going in that direction until you reach a big room where you'll find Shadow Lord Fel'dan and his two succubus guards.
It wasn't an easy fight to solo, I basically used everything I had with the mage and rogue. I sheeped Shadow Lord Fel'dan and killed the two succubus fast. Same with rogue, I sapped the shadow lord and killed it last. With the warrior I used retaliation. Don't forget to loot the head of the Shadow Lord.
This part of the dungeon is just much easier with a group, you can try it solo but I recommend at least finding a person to duo it with.
- Clear your way out of the Shadow Hold and out of Jaedenar, get back on the road and ride north until Irontree Woods.
Go to the crater at (49,27), you'll find plenty of Toxic Horrors there, kill them until you got 3 Toxic Horror Droplet. There's more Toxic Horrors all around the big green pool just north of the crater.
- In Irontree woods go to the ruins at (49,30) and click the Flute of the Ancients from your inventory. some treant spirits will appear, especially one huge treant named Arei. If he's not there, it means someone else is already escorting him. Go kill some treants and elementals while waiting. Get his quest [56] Ancient Spirit and escort Arei. He will do a full turn around the green pool, so I suggest you clear the toxic horrors around the crater before you start the escort. Let him be infront and get hit first or he won't assist. The good thing is that he is quite a tank so you can let him tank a bit when there is multiple mobs. He will get back on the road after having done a full circle around the pool, 3 irontrees will ambush him at this point. Kill them fast one by one while Arei tanks the others. You will get a quest complete message normally.
- Ride back to Emerald Sanctuary, turn in the quests [58] A Final Blow and [57] The Remains of Trey Lightforge. Ride to Ashenvale. When in Ashenvale follow the road south and then east towards Azshara, make a stop at Forest song which is just east of Satyrnaar.
Turn in [56] Ancient Spirit at Kayneth Stillwind (85,44).Get back on the road and ride east to Azshara, go to Talrendis Point and fly to Talonbranch Glade. Sell and repair. Go to Winterspring through Timbermaw Hold.
- Ride south to Donova Snowden, turn in [56] Toxic Horrors and get the follow up [57] Winterfall Runners.
Time to find those runners! Check the map below to see which path they follow, they are on the road from Timbermaw entrance to the crossroads, then they go around the mountain by the north and to Winterfall Village.
When you find the 3 Winterfall runners (lvl 57), you don't have to kill all 3. Just kill one fast and run away, come back and loot the crate. They all drop it.
Go to Everlook, resupply food/drink up to 4 stacks, sell and repair.
End of Circuit Felwood --> Everlook #2:
- Start of Circuit Everlook --> Darnassus
Go east of Everlook to Winterfall Village (66,33), kill 8 Winterfall Shamans and 8 Winterfall Ursa there.
Once that is done, go south over the mountain to Ice Thistle Hills (65,41). Kill Ice Thistle Yetis there until you have 10 Thick Yeti Fur.
- Ride south along the road. At (62,60) you'll find a small trail going west, just a bit further you'll find a camp named "Dun Mandarr" (59,59). Kill the owlbeasts in it so that you can access the "Damaged Crate" in the camp.
Click on the Damaged Crate, turn in the quest and get the follow up. Go east and you'll find a wagon with a keg atop at (61,60) just west of the road.
Jaron's Supplies are at the wagon, they are small crates half burried in the snow, loot one of them. Then get back on the road and ride south, go over the ice bridge and keep going south until you discover Darkwhisper Gorge and get the complete message for [56] Strange Sources.
- Go back north, past the wagon and you'll find Ranshalla, she is on the east side of the road at (63,59) in front of the entrance to Owl Wing Thicket. If she's not there, someone is probably doing the escort quest already, so go kill some owlbeasts while waiting for her to return. When you find her, turn in the quest [57] Find Ranshalla and get the follow up [59] Guardians of the Altar.
Escort her to the cave, inside the cave she'll start to cast a spell, while she does, click on the stave infront of her named "Fire of Elune" and it will be lit. You can drink/eat while she is channeling her spell, you don't have to light the torch immediately.
Always let her in front and get the first hit. Escort her inside the 5 caves and light the 5 torches. Then she will go to the altar of elune, which you will have to click too. Then a beautiful scene will happen and you will have the quest complete message at the end of it.
While escorting her you should have normally looted the Blue-Feathered Amulet you need for the other quest. If you didn't, keep killing these owlbeasts until one drops.
- Go north back to Everlook, turn in [56] Are We There, Yeti? and get the follow up. Sell, repair and resupply food/drink.
Go east/southeast of Everlook back to Ice Thistle Hills, this time enter the cave further to the east up the hills (68,42) and kill Ice Thistle Matriachs/Patriachs until you get 2 Pristine Yeti Horn.Go back to Everlook, turn in [58] Are We There, Yeti? and get the follow up. Find a goblin named Legacki, she stands to the left of the Inn. Target her and right click Umi's Mechanical Yeti from your inventory.
- Ride west/northwest to Starfall Village and turn in [59] Enraged Wildkin.
Go west to Donova Snowden, turn in the quest [56] Strange Sources and [57] Winterfall Runners and get away from the pool. 3 Winterfall Ambushers will spawn shortly after you turn in the quest, but if you are away enough they won't aggro you. Don't get the follow up.
- Go north to the Timbermaw Hold entrance and turn in [58] Winterfall Activity at Salfa.
Hearthstone to Darnassus, go out to Rut'theran village and turn in [59] Guardians of the Altar and get the follow up [57] Wildkin of Elune. Go back inside Darnassus to Arch Druid Staghelm at the Cenarion Enclave and turn in the quest.
End of circuit Everlook --> Darnassus:
Note: No XP bonus at all.
- Visit the AH, resupply food/drink (4 stacks). You can put your cenarion beacon and any Corrupted Soul Shard or Cenarion Plant Slave at the bank, if you still have any. We are not going back to Felwood so they are just taking bagspace for nothing now. Same for the Flute of the Ancients, put it in the bank, I don't dare destroying it because who knows, might need it one day for another quest, even though I doubt it.
You should also be level 57 or very close now.
Level 57
- Fly to Tanaris. in Gadgetzan, find a goblin named Sprinkle (she's close to the horde exit). Scare her away with the mechanical yeti. Make Gadgetzan your home location.
If you didn't turn in [53] The God Hakkar yet, go east to Steamwheedle Port and turn it in.
- Go to Lost Rigger Cove (68,41), inside lost rigger cove go south to the other side of the pirate camp and then west until you find a stone circle (70,49).
Open the blue bag named "Eridan's Supplies", loot everything from it. Then step inside the circle and click the Book of Aquor. Aquementas, a lvl 54 elemental, will come to the circle and attack you. You don't have to kill it, just have to stand in the stone circle and let him attack you once. If you want to kill it, just know that he is immune to frost and deals frost damage (mages use Frost Ward). He should be a cakewalk at level 57.
You should now have the Silver Totem of Aquementas. If you do, you can destroy the "Book of Aquor", the "Silver Claws" and the "Irontree Heart". - Ride to Un'Goro Crater, when in Un'goro, gather 3 Bloodpetal Sprouts while heading to marshall's refuge. You get these sprouts by clicking on Bloodpetal Sprouts (green cabbage-looking plants scattered everywhere in Un'goro)
At Marshall's refuge turn in [52] Haze of Evil, and then turn in the follow up immediatly (thanks to the 3 Bloodpetal sprouts you just gathered on the way).
- Go inside the crystal cave and talk to J.D. Collie, turn in [54] Aquementas and get the follow up [54] Linken's Adventure. Go to Linken and turn it in, don't get the follow up unless you got a few people to help you. Get at least a healer and a tank type. Blazerunner is a lvl 56 Elite fire elemental and he hits for 400. So just save this quest for when you are level 60 and have time to spend on that quest, the rewards aren't that great, we did it for XP.
Anyway here is how to defeat Blazerunner, the last boss of the long quest chain "Linken's Adventure". Go to the top of fire plume ridge, clear all the elementals around to make sure they don't add during the fight. Equip the Silver Totem of Aquementas and put it on a hotkey. Click it to dispel Blazerunner's aura right at the start and everytime it reappears. Blazerunner is somewhat invincible when his aura is on, he keeps knockbacking people and every damage he takes is divided by 10. So be sure to always keep that aura dispelled.
Another thing, fight him inside his cave with your back facing the walls, so if he knockbacks you when the aura appears again you won't end up being tossed off the mountain or into adds.
He's a tough fight, I did it with a level 57 Priest, a level 55 Paladin and me (lvl 57 rogue) and it wasn't easy. On the other hand I soloed it with my lvl 57 frost mage, thanks to kiting, it took time and several attempts though. So I recommend saving that quest for when you are level 60 and have time to spend on it, unless you got enough people to help you immediately. Anyway if you do manage to kill Blazerunner, you must also go loot the Ornate Chest in his cave. Then turn in the quest at Linken. - Before you leave Marshal's Refuge, find a goblin named Quixxil and scare him with the mechanical yeti.
Hearthstone to Gadgetzan, fly to Theramore, take the boat to Menethil Harbor, fly to Ironforge.
In Ironforge, sell/repair, resupply food and drink (4 stacks), check the AH.
Go to the throne room and take the quest [54] The Smoldering Ruins of Thaurissan from Royal Historian Archesonus, then talk to her again and go through her dialogue. Turn in the quest and get the follow up.Go to the bank and get your Black Dragonflight Molt from it (if you don't have it on you already, that is).
- Fly to Stormwind, make Stormwind your home location, then fly to Lakeshire, Redridge Mountains. In Redridge follow the road north to Burning Steppes.
Go through Blackrock Pass and then east to Morgan's Vigil, it's a narrow path going up the mountain with torches on each side (83,63).
- Get the flight path.
- Get the quests [52] Extinguish the Firegut and [56] FIFTY! YEP! from Oralius.
- Get [54] Dragonkin Menace (Elite) from Helendis Riverhorn.
- Don't get the other quests.
- Start of XP Circuit Burning Steppes.
Ride northwest to Flame Crest (63,30), get [52] Broodling Essence from Tinkee Steamboil and [50] Tablet of the Seven from Maxwort Uberglint.
From now on try to find a partner or more to do the quest [54] Dragonkin Menace (Elite), some of the dragons will most likely be too hard for you to solo, so ask for help (Hunters, Warlocks and frost mages will probably be able to solo them though). If you don't find help immediatly for it, proceed with the next steps of the guide while actively looking for people to help you with the dragons. When you find someone, go to the paragraph called "Dragonkin Menace".
- Go south to the Ruins of Thaurissan and kill mobs there while looking around for "Thaurissan Relics". They are grey stones looking like this:
- While gathering relics go towards the western end of the Ruins of Thaurissan, you'll find a Dwarven Statue at (53,40) and the Tablet of the Seven at its feet. Click it and "Transcribe the tablet". You'll receive a Tablet Transcript.
- Once you have 12 Tablet Transcripts, go west to the Blackrock Stronghold (44,35). Kill Orcs there unil you have 50 Blackrock Medaillons. If the place is too crowded (it often is), go south to the area named "The Pillar of Ash", there's more Blackrock Orcs there.
- Go east to Dreadmaul Rock (73,48). Kill what's on the kill list of [52] Extinguish the Firegut. You can find these ogres all around Dreadmaul Rock, I recommend fighting on the eastern side though so you avoid dragonkin adds.
At this point if you still haven't found someone to help you, grind on Orcs at the Blackrock Stronghold or PIllar of Ash. Ask your guild for help or your friends, but get someone to help you for [54] Dragonkin Menace.
- Dragonkin Menace
When you find a partner to duo the dragonkins with, go to the area which is north of Dreadmaul Rock (78,28), you should find Black Broodlings there. Search your inventory for Draco-Incarcinatrix 900 and put it on a hotkey. Use it on every Black Broodling before killing them. When they die while having the incarcinatrix aura on, a crystal will appear at their corpse named "Broodling Essence". You need 8 of these.
Make a semi circle around the eastern side of Dreadmaul Rock, that's where you'll find the dragonkins you need. Complete the kill list of [54] Dragonkin Menace while getting the 8 Broodling Essence as well.
Before you leave this area go to the northeastern edge of it, you'll find a cave with Cyrus Therepentous in it.
Take his quest [54] A Taste of Flame, talk to him and click on the dialogue line, then turn in the quest, get the follow up [58] A Taste of Flame (Dungeon). - Go west, back to Flame Crest. Turn in [52] Broodling Essence, get the follow up [54] Felnok Steelspring. Turn in [50] Tablet of the Seven.
Go back to Morgan's Vigil, turn in [56] FIFTY! YEP! and [52] Extinguish the Firegut, get the follow up [53] Gor'tesh the Brute Lord.
Turn in [54] Dragonkin Menace, get the follow up [54] The True Masters. - Ride to Redridge Mountains, go to Lakeshire, find Magistrate Solomon in the town hall and turn in [54] The True Masters.
Hearthstone to Stormwind, go to Stormwind Keep and turn in [54] The True Masters at Highlord Bolvar Fordragon and get the follow up. Also get the other quest [62] The First and the Last (Elite).
Talk to Lady Katrana Prestor who is right next to Bolvar, go through her dialogue then turn in the quest at Highlord Bolvar and get the follow up [54] The True Masters.
Go talk to Mathis Shaw in the Old Town, he's on the first floor of the big building named SI:7.
Turn in the quest [62] The First and the last, get the follow up, turn it in and get the follow up [62] Flint Shadowmore.
Sell and repair. Resupply food/drink (4stacks).
- Fly to Lakeshire, Redrige. Go to Magistrate Solomon and turn in [54] The True Masters and get the follow up.
Go back to Morgan's Vigil in the Burning Steppes. Turn in [54] The True Masters at Marshal Maxwell and get the follow up.
Ride northwest and then west along the road which is north of the area called "The Pillar of Ash".
On the western end of The Pillar of Ash you should find Gor'tesh next to an orc bunker (39,53). Kill Gor'tesh, be carefull he hits hard and has one guard. Use everything you got if needed. Loot his head.
- Go northeast to Flame Crest. (63,30). Talk to Ragged John and listen to his story until you get the (Complete) message.
Go back to Morgan's Vigil. Turn in [53] Gor'tesh the Brute Lord and get the follow up [53] Ogre head on a stick = Party.
Turn in [53]The True Masters, don't get the follow up. We will get all these Blackrock Depths quests later on when we go do the instance. - Go north to Dreadmaul Rock, go around it by the western side and keep going north until the slope with a bridge going up the mountain at (75,38). Clear your way to the top of Dreadmaul Rock. You'll find a "Soft Dire Mound" right behind some altar (81,46). Right click it to plant the Gor'tesh head. Then go south, back to Morgan's Vigil, turn in [53] Ogre Head on a Stick = Party.
End of Burning steppes circuitNote: I got delayed a lot because someone was doing the onyxia key quest where a bunch of elite dragons attack Highlord Bolvar, had to wait quite a while for Lady Katrana Prestor to reappear. Still decent.
- Hearthstone to Stormwind, or fly there if your stone isn't up.
Sell and repair, check the AH, resupply food and drink (4 stacks) get the following quest item from your bank:
"Everlook Report"
You can put your Alterred Black Dragonflight Molt in bank as well, you'll just have to get it back before going to BRD.
Fly to Ironforge, to to the throne room. Turn in [54] The Smoldering Ruins of Thaurissan.
Fly to Aerie Peak, follow the road southwest to Hillsbrad Foothills, then go west/northwest along the mountain until you hit the river. Follow the river north towards Chillwind Point, then go straight north to Western Plaguelands until you find Chillwind Camp (43,85).
- Start of circuit Plaguelands #1
Get the flight path. Turn in [62] Flint Shadowmore and get the follow up [62] The Eastern Plagues.
Get [52] Clear the Way from Commander Ashlam.
Turn in [52] The Everlook Report from Aregent Officer Pureheart, also complete the quest Argent Dawn Commission, you will receive a trinket.
When you kill undeads while having this trinket equiped, you can collect Scourgestones from their bodies. I suggest equiping it from now on everytime you kill undeads in eastern and western plaguelands.Turning in these Scourgestones at Argent Officer Pureheart gets you faction increases with the Argent Dawn and a token. These tokens are the only way to raise your faction with the Argent Dawn at a certain point in reverred, so save them until then. Check blizzard's official homepage to see what rewards you get at the different faction levels.
Don't get the other quests.
- Take the eastern road, to Sorrow hill (46,81). Kill 10 Skeletal Flayers and 10 Slavering Ghouls.
Go back to Chillwind camp and turn in [52] Clear the Way, get the two follow up [53] The Scourge Cauldrons and [56] All Along the Watchtowers.
Go to High Priestess MacDonnell and turn in [53] The Scourge Cauldrons. Get the follow up [53] Target: Felstone Field.
Go back through Sorrow Hill and enter the Ruins of Andorhal by the south gate (49,73).
In Andorhal try to avoid the roads as much as possible, as level 56 elite abominations roam them. So just clear yourself a path through the destroyed houses. Also avoid the center of the town of course, there's a huge bunch of mobs there and Araj the Summoner (lvl 61 elite).
- Go to the Fourth Watch Tower (46,70). Clear what's in your way but be careful not to aggro the skeletal warlord inside of it (lvl 56-57 elite). You can drop the torch at the entrance of the watch tower without aggroing the Skeletal Warlord if you just get close to it without being in it's line of sight. Look for the "beacon torch" in your inventory and click it while standing next to the tower's door.
Go to the Tower One which is direclty to the west (40,71). It's close to the western entrance to Andorhal. Mark it with the torch just like you did for the previous tower.
Go to Tower Two, northeast of tower one (42,66). It's close to the northern entrance to Andorhal. Mark it.
The Tower Three is right behind tower two, northeast of it. Be careful of the scarlet patrol and abomination patrol when you go there (44,63). Mark tower three.
- Get out of Andorhal by the north side then go west to Felstone Field (37,58).
Clear yourself a path to the Cauldron in the middle of the field, when you get close, Cauldron Lord Bilemaw will spawn, kill it and loot the Felstone Field Cauldron Key from him, then go to the cauldron and click it, turn in the quest and get the follow up [53] Return to Chillwind Camp.
In the Felstone Field, go to the houses on the north side of the field, enter the one which is the most to the west (37,54).
On the 2nd floor of the house you'll find Janice Felstone, get the quest [52] Better Late than Never.
Go to the next house which (38,55) and find Janice's Parcel inside it. Click it, turn in the quest, then click it again and get the follow up [52] Better Late Than Never.
- Ride south to chillwind camp, avoid Andorhal this time.
Turn in [56] All Along the Watchtowers. Get the follow up [55] Scholomance, don't get the other follow up.
Turn in [53] Return to Chillwind Camp, get the follow up [55] Target: Dalson's Tears.
Turn in [55] Scholomance at Alchemist Arbington and get the follow up [57] Skeletal Fragments.
- Go north, around Andorhal and then east to Dalson'Tears (45,52), it's the field directly east of Felstone Field. Clear yourself a path to the Scourge Cauldron, when you get close Cauldron Lord Malvinious will spawn, kill it and loot his key, go to the Cauldron and click it, turn in the quest and get the follow up [55] Return to Chillwind Camp.
- Go to the houses on the north side of Dalson's Tears, enter the right one (47,51). Clear what's inside and look on the floor for Mrs. Dalson's Diary, get the quest and complete it.
Get out of the barn and look around for a Wandering Skeleton, there is only one of this kind and he roams around the barn, so keep killing stuff around the barn until you find it, kill it and loot "Dalson Outhouse Key". Go behind the barn, you'll find an Outhouse (48,49). Open it, kill Farmer Dalson, loot Dalson Cabinet Key.
- Go to the other house now (47,50), on the 2nd floor of it you'll find a "Locked Cabinet", click it and turn in the quest.
Go straight north to the Northridge Lumbermill, when you are next to the lumbermill, go northeast of it, follow a trail going down to a destroyed wagon. You'll find Kirsta Deepshadow there (51,28), get the quest [56] Unfinished Business.
You can find the Scarlets Knights and Mages you need to kill for the quest just southeast of Kirsta, on the road to Hearthglen. For the Hunters and Medics go to the camp further south and to the east (51,44).
When you completed the kill list, go back to Kirsta and turn in [56] Unfinished Business, get the follow up.
- Go back on the road just east of Kirsta.
At (54,34) the road forks off to the left and right. Go right and up the slope you will find Hunstman Radley (57,35). She can be pulled solo if you wait for the right moment: when the mage close to her goes far enough.
Get back on the main road and this time at the fork go left, keep going north until you hit the watch tower (53,24). Kill the 2 guards infront of it then wait for Cavalier Durgen to show up. He goes to the top of the tower then walks back to the entrance. You don't need to go look for him inside the tower.
- After killing Durgen, you can go directly back to where Kirsta is by going southwest and jumping down in the crater where she is. Turn in the quest [57] Unfinished Business, don't get the follow up.
You should be level 58 already or at least 5000 XP away from it. If you are not grind on Scarlet Dudes or Undeads in one of the cauldron fields until you are 5000XP away from 58.
- Hearthstone to Stormwind, go to the Cathedral Square and inside the City Hall (48,32) on the 2nd floor. Turn in [52] Better Late Than Never.
Now try to find Ol'Emma, she wanders in between the Cathedral Square and the Trade district. Shouldn't be hard to find because you'll see the yellow dot on the minimap. She makes a stop in a house bordering the canals close to the Cathedral district too (52,41).
When you find her turn in [52] Good Natured Emma. Get the follow up [52] Good Luck Charm.
End of circuit Western Plaguelands
Level 58
- Go visit your class trainer, sell/repair, visit the AH, resupply up to 4 stacks of food/water.
Get this quest item from bank:Studies in Spirit Speaking
Fly to Ironforge, then fly to Chillwind camp.
Start of XP circuit Plaguelands #2In Chillwind Camp, turn in [55] Return to Chillwind Camp, get the follow up [55] Target: Writhing Haunt.
- Go north to the Felstone Field, go into the left house (38,54) on the 2nd Floor. Turn in the quest [52] Good Luck Charm at Janice Felstone and get the follow up [54] Two Halves Become One.
Get out of the house and look for a Jabbering Ghoul wandering the area in front of the barn. If it's not there just keep the area clean until it respawns. Kill it and it will drop a "Good Luck Other-Half-Charm".
Once you have the other half charm, go back to Janice Felstone, right click on the other-half-charm in your inventory. Turn in the quest.
- Get out and back on the road, ride east until (49,56) where a trail crosses the road. Go south following the trail to the Writhing Haunt (52,66). Clear a path to the Scourge Cauldron, when you get close to it, Cauldron Lord Razarch will spawn, kill it and loot the key. Clear what's around the Cauldron and go click it, turn in the quest and get the follow up [55] Return to Chillwind Camp.
- Go south, cross the river and go back to Chillwind Camp through Sorrow Hill. Turn in [55] Return to Chillwind Camp and get the follow up [58] Target: Gahron's Withering.
Ride east through Sorrow hill, then northeast, across the river and to Gahron's Withering (62,57). Clear a path to the Scourge Cauldron, when you get close Cauldron Lord Soulwrath will, appear, kill it. He's harder than the other cauldron lords, he knockbacks and silences, so be careful where you fight him. Loot his key then go to the Cauldron, turn in the quest and get the follow up [58] Return to Chillwind Camp.
- Ride east until you hit Thondroril River, go north along the river bank, then cross the river so you are on the eastern bank and ride north until you find a house. In front of it you'll see Tirion Fordring, get his 3 quests:
[56] Demon Dogs
[56] Blood Tinged Skies
[56] Carrion GrubbageFrom now on, kill on sight the following:
- Plaguehound Runt
- Carrion Worm
- Plaguebat
- Go south along the river and then east into Eastern Plaguelands.
Go southeast while killing everything on the way. Find the Marris Stead but don't get close to it! There's a lvl 62 Elite NPC there, hits like a truck. Go around the Marris Stead so that you are on the east of it (29,74).
Just a bit closer to Nathanos lightcaller you'll find "Mangled Human Remains" (28,74). Loot the SI:7 Insignia (Turyen) from it.
Go a bit closer to Nathanos, on a small mound right infront of him you should find other human remains (27,74). Loot Fredo's Insignia from it. This is as close as you can get to Nathanos without aggroing it, and you should get the "Blightcaller Uncovered" (Complete) message. Go backwards a bit and then south, you should find the last human remains close to the road (28,79). Loot Rutger's Insignia. - Go southeast to Darrowshire, keep killing everything on sight that you need for quests, there should be plenty.
Inside Darrowshire, find a small destroyed house on the western side of Darrowshire. You should find Pamela Redpath there, turn in the quest [55] Sister Pamela and get the follow up [55] Pamela's Doll.
Now you must find the 3 parts of pamela's doll, they can be in any of the other houses in Darrowshire, mostly on the 2nd floor of it. Look on the floor for some brown objet. Everytime you get close to one of the doll parts, a level 55 ghost spawns and attack you.
- Once you have Pamela's Doll's Left Side, Right Side and Head. Right click them in your inventory to combine them. Go to Pamela and turn in the quest. Get the two follow up quests:
[56] Uncle Carlin
[56] Auntie MarleneGo back towards the Marris Stead and keep doing wide circles around it killing everything until you got 30 Plaguebat and 20 Plaguehound Runts slain. This is the best area to find them.
Go east to the area north of the infectis scar and Corin's Crossing. Kill everything around until you have 5 Plaguehound Kills. Focus on Carrion Grubs as well.
- Once you got 5 Plaguehound kills, go to the area which is north of Blackwood Lake (51,41). You should find Frenzied Plaguehounds around this area, also kill Carrion Devourers and Bats in the way.
Once you have 5 Frenzied Plaguehound kills, go southeast, around the Pestilent scar by the north of it and then go southeast to Light's Hope Chapel (81,59).
Get the flight path. Turn in [52] Duke Nicholas Zverenhoff. Turn in [56] Uncle Carlin, get the follow up [55] Defenders of Darrowshire.
Just a bit south of Light's Hope Chapel find Caretaker Alen (79,63). Get the quest [55] Zaeldarr the Outcast from him.
Note: Don't sell evil bat eyes, they can be used to get Darkmoon Faire Tickets for your future epic necklace. If you aren't interested in the Darkmoon rewards you can sell the eyes at the AH for nice cash.
- Check how many "Slab of Carrion Worm Meat" you need, then go kill in the area south and southwest of Light's Hope Chapel until you got your 15 Carrion Worm Meat. Then go to Light's Hope Chapel, fly to Chillwind camp.
Turn in [58] Return to Chillwind Camp, go to Commander Ashlam Valorfirst and complete the quest "Mission Accomplished!"Turn in [62] The Eastern Plagues at Flint Shadowmore, get the follow up [62] The Blightcaller Cometh.
- Hearthstone to Stormwind, Go to Stormwind Keep and turn in [62] The Blightcaller Cometh at Highlord Bolvar.
Take the follow up [62] Order Must Be Restored (Raid), we won't be doing it in the guide, however it's one of those "must do at level 60" quests. You'll need a mini raid for it, and the rewards are good.End of circuit Plaguelands #2:
- Sell/repair, resupply food/drink (4 stacks), check the AH.
Fly to Ironfore, make the Inn your home location, go to the bank and get the following quest items:
The 4 Relic Fragments.
Fly to Chillwind Camp. Get the quest [55] A Plague Upon Thee from Nathaniel Dumah.
- Start of XP circuit Plaguelands #3
Ride east to Sorrow Hill and find Marlene Redpath in the only house there is (49,78).
Turn in [56] Auntie Marlene and get the follow up [56] A Strange Historian (Elite).
Search the graveyard just north of the house where Marlene Redpath is, look for "Joseph Redpath's Monument" among the graves (49,76). Click the grave and get Joesph's Wedding Ring.
- Go back towards Chillwind Camp and take the other path to Andorhal, go inside the Ruins of Andorhal by the western entrance.
Just a bit inside Andorhal go to the house to the north, it's the only house around with a floor and not totally destroyed (39,68). Inside the house go to the 2nd floor, in one of the rooms you'll find Chromie. Turn in [b][56] A Strange historian[/b], get the follow up [56] The Annals of Darrowshire. Also ge the other quest [56] A Matter of Time.
- Go to the northern gate of Andorhal, and east of the first watch tower you'll find two wooden silos (45,62) which look like this:
Get full hp/mana, get next to one of them and click your Temporal Displacer (looks like a horn). 1 to 3 lvl 57 worms will spawn and attack you. When it's 3 it might be tough to handle solo, so always start those fights with full hp and if possible potions / long cooldown abilities up. Back off from the silos after you summon the worms, if you stay too close more worms will spawn sometimes, and that's probably more than you can handle solo.
The worms only appear when the silo is sparkling blue. They take a while to sparkle again after you use the temporal displacer next to them. There's 3 more silos just a bit more to the east.
Keep doing that until you have 15 Temporal Parasites slain.
- Go back to Chromie, turn in [56] A Matter of Time and get the follow up [56] Counting Out time.
Now what you have to do is go from destroyed house to destroyed house in Andorhal and look for Small Lockboxes like this:
Loot the Andorhal Watch from it. Keep doing this until you have 5 Andorhal Watches.
- Go to the town hall (with a tower clock) which is in the middle of Andorhal, close to where Araj the Summoner is, you can sneak in the town hall without having to fight any of the bunch of mobs close to it.
Inside the town hall you'll find several "Musty Tome" lying on the floor. When you click one, there is a chance you will find the Annals of Darrowshire, but there is a higher chance that you will get a "Ruined Tome" and 1 or 2 level 57 mobs will attack you. They give no loot and no exp. Hoewever there is a trick to know which tome is the right one. There is a slight graphical difference. The pages of the fake tomes have two-tone colored pages, lightbrown and white, like this one:
The good tome looks "newer", and it's pages only have one color tone, like this one:
You can easily see the difference if you zoom in 1st person view and put your mouse pointer over the books to highlight them. Loot the Annals of Darrowshire.
- Go back to Chromie, turn in [56] Counting Out Time. The Attuned Dampener you get as a reward is only useable on Araj the Summoner, so save it for later when you are 60 and do the big quests. Killing Araj is necessary to get your Scholomance key and another quest for a decent trinket. You'll need a solid group of 60s to kill him, but the Attuned Dampener will help. You can actually repeat the quest [56] Counting out Time to get more dampeners for an easier Araj kill.
Turn in [56] The Annals of Darrowshire, get the follow up [56] Brother Carlin.
Now you should also have finished [57] Skeletal Fragments, if you haven't, kill some more skeletons while you are in Andorhal.
- Get out of Andorhal by the north gate, then go east till Thondroril River and ride north to Tirion Fordring (7,43).
Turn in [56] Demon Dogs, [56] Blood Tinged Skies and [56] Carion Grubbage. Get the follow up [56] Redemption. Listen to Tirion's tale, turn in the quest and get the follow up [57] Of Forgotten Memories.
- Ride to Eastern Plaguelands and go southeast to the Undercroft, which is directly south of the Marris Stead.
Behind the crypt in the Undercroft you'll find Tiron Fordring's Grave (28,86). Next to should be a "Loose Dirt Mound". This is where you need help, this almost impossible to do solo unless you use a lot of creativy and everything you got. Anyway here is what happens when you click the dirt mount, Mercutio Filthgorger and 3 Dwarf Graverobbers spawn and go to the dirt mound, if you are close they of course jump you.
They all hit hard, especially Mercutio, and all have a lot of hit points for non elites. Here is what I suggest:As soon as you click the dirt mount, run to the other side of the fence, you can jump over it if you walk up the mountain a bit. The 4 dwarves will walk to the grave and stand there.
You have two ways to do this now:
1. Polymorph Mercutio (if you have a mage with you) and kill the 3 gravediggers. Then bandage up and kill Mercutio, loot his hammer.
2. Ignore the 3 adds and go all out on Mercurio, loot the hammer and run.
Use creativity with the classes you have!
Ex: With my rogue I got help from a warrior. He charged Mercutio and used intimidating shout as soon as possible to send the 3 gravediggers away for 10 sec or so. We both went all out on Mercutio, looted and ran away. Anyway, if you don't get help immediatly, there's something to do in the Undercroft while you look for help:
Go inside the crypt (27,85), clear the way down, kill Zaeldarr the Outcast and loot his head.
In the same room look for a "Torn Scroll" on the floor, click it can get the quest [60] Hameya's Plea.If you still didn't get anyone to help you on [57] Of Forgotten Memories, grind on the trolls in the Undercroft while waiting for someone to help you. It just takes 10 min! Call a guildmate or something.
- Go back to Tiron Fordring, turn in [56] Of Forgotten Memories, get the follow up [58] Of Lost Honor.
Get back into Eastern Plaguelands and ride east to Light's hope Chapel. Turn in [56] Brother Carlin, get the follow up [57] Villains of Darrowshire and [56] Heroes of Darrowshire.
Turn in [55] Zaeldarr the Outcast further to the south at Caretaker Alen. Sell junk and resupply food and drink there. (4 stacks). - Ride west to the Infectis scar by passing Corin's crossing by the south side.
Go down the Infectis Scar at (49,74), then go to
(53,65) where you'll find the "Shattered Sword of Marduk", as marked on the map. It looks like this:Loot it.
Get out of the Infectis scar by the way you came in.
- Go north to Blackwood Lake (49,51). Take a dive, in the middle of the pool at the bottom you'll see Ghosts of Darrowshire fighting each other, amongst them you should see a glowing violet skull named "Horgus Skull" (51,50), it looks like this:
Loot it.
Go north and slightly to the east to Northpass Tower (55,24). Turn in [56] Troubled Spirits of Kel'Theril at Aurora Skycaller inside the tower, don't get the follow up.
You should be level 59 by now.
Level 59
- Go west to the Plaguewoods. In the plaguewoods look around for Large Termite Mounds
and loot them.
Kill stuff inside plaguewood while looking for those termite mounds, but also try to find as much Cannibal Ghouls as possible. Anytime you kill one of these, a Spirit of Darrowshire will appear, right click it to free it. You need to free 15 Darrowshire Spirits. The Cannibal Ghouls are not so numerous though, so it will take a while, consider this as a mini grinding session, plus you are getting faction with the Argent Dawn and Scourgestones.
- When you are done with both [55] A Plague Upon Thee and [57] Defenders of Darrowshire, go east to Zul'Mashar (64,24).
Clear the way up the slope, and to the east, you'll soon face a big pyramid. At it's base you should see tombs with some trolls roaming about them. One of them is Infiltrator Hameya.
Clear some of the trolls until you get a clear pull on Hameya, pull him solo and kill him, then loot his key.
- Clear your way out of Zul'Mashar then go southeast to Northdale, take a dive in the pool which is just south of Northdale. Clear the elementals in the way. At (71,33), next to a cage you should see a white flag with a blue runed on it named "Symbol of Lost Honor":
Loot it.
Ride southeast back to Light's Hope Chapel.
Turn in [55] Defenders of Darrowshire and [57] Villains of Darrowshire. Get the quest [56] Heros of Darrowshire. We won't be doing it in the guide, however it's one of the cool quest lines to do at level 60.
- Ride west and slightly south to the Undercroft. Right behind the crypt in the Undercroft you should find a "Mound of Dirt". Not the one next to Tiron's grave, the other one close to a charriot (28,86). Click it, turn in [60] Hameya's Plea.
Ride northwest back to Tirion Fordring, turn in [58] Of Lost Honor and get the follow up [58] Of Love and Family.
Go south and then west back into the Western Plaguelands.
- Go south and swim to Caer Darrow isle, On the western side of Caer Darrow, find Artist Renfray in a wooden house (65,75). Turn in [58] Of Love and Family and get the follow up [60] Of Love and Family.
This quest will be taking you to Stratholme so it's something we won't do in the guide. However it is a great quest, yet another 'must do" at level 60.
Swim west until you reach Sorrow Hill, then ride west to Chillwind Camp. Turn in [57] Skeletal Fragments, get the follow up [57] Mold Rhymes With...
This is for your Scholomance Key quest, and clearly yet another "must do" at level 60. Don't forget to take the quest [60] Alas, Andorhal from Commander Ashlam Valorfist when you go kill Araj for your Scholomance Key quest - killing two birds with one stone.
Turn in [55] A Plague Upon Thee, take the follow up [55] A Plague Upon Thee.
- Ride north around Andorhal and then northeast to Northridge Lumber Camp.
Go straight to the lumber mill which is at the northeastern tip of the lumber camp.
Inside the lumber mill you should find a big crate named "Northridge Lumber Mill Crate". Click it and place the Termite Barrel on it. A barrel with green smoke should appear, click it and get the follow up.Go back to Chillwind Camp, turn in [55] A Plague Upon Thee.
End of circuit Plaguelands #3 - Hearthstone to Ironforge. Resupply food/drink (4 stacks). Sell and repair, visit the Auction House: this is your last chance to buy your dungeon set 1 bracers, we are gonna need them now.
Go to the throne room, get the quest get quest [60] An Earnest Proposition from Deliana.
Also get [59] Kharan Mighthammer from King Magni Bronzebeard while you are here.Go to Auberdine, fly to Everlook, Winterspring. (or ask a mage to teleport you to Darnassus, then fly to auberdine --> everlook).
In Everlook, turn in [58] Are We There, Yeti? at Umi Rumplesnicker.
Turn in [54] Felnok Steelspring, get the follow up [54] Chillwind Horns.
- Ride straight north until you are in the area east of Frostsaber Rock on the map. You will find Chillwind Ravagers and Edler Shardtooths in this area. Kill every of them until you have 8 Uncracked Chillwind Horns.
Once you got 8 Uncracked Horns, go west, closer to Frostsaber Rock, you will find a lot of tigers there. Kill them until you got 15 "Winterspring Blood Sample". This will take a while, but it's normal, this is your new armor set quest (For Dungeon Set 2).
- When done, ride back to Everlook, turn in [54] Chillwind Horns, get the follow up [54] Return to Tinkee.
Hearthstone to Ironforge, go to the throne room, turn in [60] An Earnest Proposition at Deliana and get your Dungeon Set 1 bracers updated! 3 Spectral stalkers (non elite) will spawn and attack Deliana, help her to kill them.
Get the follow up [60] A Supernatural Device. This is the next step for your armor quest, but we won't be doing it in this guide, that's yet another thing for you to do at level 60! - You should be approximately 2/3 done in your level 59 by now.
It's time for you to go to Blackrock Depths! Gather all the quests, follow this guide. Don't forget to take your Altered Black Dragonflight Molt with you, and also go turn in [54] Return to Tinkee in the Burning Steppes at Flame Crest.
Doing Blackrock Depths and all the quests should easily ding you 60, and some of these quests are important for your level 60 life:
- [60] Attunement to the Core: which allows you to enter the Molten Core (a high level 40-man raid instance) by a teleport window.
- [54] Marshall Windsor, which is actually the Onyxia Key quest line.
However, if after Blackrok Depths and all it's quest XP rewards you are still level 59, here is one last bonus XP circuit (And remember, after patch 1.10 you will be able to cash in quests for gold - means epic mount sooner
- Take two thorium bars with you (buy them at the AH or something). Sell and repair, resupply food/drink (4 stacks).
Go to Gadgetzan, turn in [57] Mold Rhymes With... get the follow up [57] Fire Plume Forged.
Ride to Un'Goro Crater, right after entering it from the slope, go northwest to Fire Plume Ridge, climb to the top of it. Go next to the lava pool and right click your Skeleton Key Mold from your inventory.
- Get off the mountain by the west side, ride northwest to the slope leading to Silithus (29,22). In Silithus, ride west to Cenarion Hold (51,37).
Get [55] Securing the Supply Lines from Windcaller Proudhorn. [55] Deadly Desert Venom, from Beetix Fickelspragg on the 1st Floor of the Inn.
[58] The Twilight Mystery from Geologist Larksbane
[60] Secret Communication from Bor Wildmane - Get out of Cenarion Hold by the west side, keep going west a little bit, you'll quickly encounter Scorpids, Spiders and Worms. Kill all of them on sight. Kill the Twilight mobs at the Twillight Base Camp (41,42). There is a lot of scorpids, spiders and worms in the area north of the twilight camp.
Keep kiling around this camp until you complete [b][60] Secret Communication[/b], [55] Deadly Desert Venom and [55] Securing the Supply lines.
It's gonna take a while. But anyway this is good because you are working on our cenarion faction (which is very good at level 60 for many reasons, check Blizzard's homepage here for rewards etc.) and you get Glowing Scorpid Blood, which can be traded for tickets at the Darkmoon Faire. (or sell for nice cash if you aren't interested in the Darkmoon faire rewards).
While killing Twilight mobs, you will sometimes find Twilight Cultist Robe, Mantle and Cowl.
Keep them, you will need them later on for level 60 faction quests with cenarion.
Things to be careful with:
Don't touch the greater wind stones or you'll get nuked by it. These stones are to be used while wearing the full twilight cultist set and only when doing specific quests. Don't bother with them for now.
Avoid Twilight Keeper Havunth, he hurts a lot and doesn't drop anything particular.
The Scorpids you need to kill are the grey/green ones, named Stonelash Scorpids, NOT the golden ones. Kill Twilight mobs until you finish [60] Secret Communication. - You should finish the quest [55] Securing the Supply Line before the others, go turn it in as soon as it's complete (along with the Secret Communication Quest). Get the follow up [57] Stepping Up Security, then go back to finish the other 2.
When you are done with them, go northwest, kill every Dredge Crusher you see on the way. Keep going northwest until you are in the northwestern most corner of Silithus named "The Crystal Vale" (20,18). Look around for "Twilight Tablet Fragments", they look like this:
As soon as you have 8 tablets, go southeast towards Cenarion Hold, kill every Dredge Crusher on the way so that you finish [57] Stepping Up Security.
- Go back to Cenarion Hold, turn in all the quests, hearthstone to Ironforge, fly to Chillwind Camp, turn in [57] Fire Plume Forged, get the follow up Araj's Scarab (that's for your Scholomance key).
That should for sure make you ding level 60!
LEVEL 60 -- End